From the Engineering Workplace, find out which PLC Connect server is service (active) and which one is in standby.
It can be found in Service Structure, and expand the “Softpoint Server, Service and click your PLC connect
Expand Services->Softpoint Server. Then expand the PLC Connect Service Group you want to do the swap with.
We will be using “SG_PLC_Net2” service group for your example.
Uncheck the “Enable” checkbox and click the “Apply” button to stop polling from the PLC Connect server TEST-PLC-88.
After a while the current status will change from “Service” to “Undefined” (see image below). Once the PLC Connect server is in “Undefined” state, you can start working on that PLC Connect server.
Note that when we perform this PLC Connect server swap, there will be no outage on the poll and operations will not see any outage in their graphics.
RDP to the PLC Connect server and launch the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel from the Windows Start button; Start -> Rockwell Software -> RSLinx -> RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel
A pop up windows showing that RSLinx is running will come up. Click on the Stop button to halt the RSLinx in this PLC Connect server. Note that, if you forgot to do the first few steps of disabling the PLC Connect, the ABB DCS PLC Connect software will automatically default the connection to the standby PLC Connect server.
Uncheck the “Always Run As Service” when the RSLinx is stopped.
Next launch your RSLinx Classic by clicking on the Start -> Rockwell Software -> RSLinx Classic.
Sometimes its takes about 2 to 5 minutes to start RSLinx so be patience. Once the RSLinx is launched, click on the DDE/OPC -> Topic Configuration… from the top pull down menu.
Select your topic from the Topic List (for example CCO) and the select the PLC that it should be pointing to. for our example it would be 61.5.XXX.XXX PLC. Once completed click on Done button.
Confirm the changes.
From the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel window, put the check in the “Always Run As Service” and restart (power cycle) the PLC Connect server.
Once the PLC Connect server is started and RSLinx is running in that server, go back to the Engineering Workplace and check the “Enabled” check box and click on the Apply button. It will go from Undefined -> Initialize -> Ready -> Synchronizing -> Standby.
Put the Standby PLC Connect server to service (active), perform the same steps to the currently running PLC Connect (service).