A normal setup for ABB DCS system (in particular) Harmony and Infi90 is that you have an engineering workstation (essentially a computer) which has all your DCS system setup and logic. During runtime, operators will be constantly changing setpoints to align with there processes and therefore whatever setpoints you have in the engineering workstation is obsolete. It is always advisable to download the setpoints (also known as specifications) before you do a logic edit and/or download to the field controller (DCS).
This article focus on how you can download the setpoints (aka specifications) from the controller into the application stored in the engineering workstation (CLD or Control Logic Document).
From the Control Engineering software, right-click on the controller that you want to retrieve the specifications from. Select Run Time -> Verify… from the context menu.
Check the Update Specs check box, then click on Next button.
Click on Finish button.
Select the Logical ICI (INFI-NET to Computer Interface) card, then click on Ok button.
The DCS system will start verifying the logic you have in the engineering workstation and at the same time retrieve the specifications.
After the data verification and retrieval process is completed, the system will provide a full report/log of what the differences are between the Source (being the Control Logic Document) and the Reference (DCS controller). If the log is not showing on your Control Engineering software, ensure that you have “Verify” tab selected.
If there was no difference found, you would get the following message.
I hope this article helped. Cheers!