Learn how to ping an ethernet device using Horner PLC.

The ping command is used to test is a particular Ethernet device is reachable across an IP network. A ping measures the time it takes for packets to be sent from a source Ethernet device to a destination Ethernet device and back. Ping uses ICMP packet type.

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What is network ping test?
The ping command is used to test whether a particular Ethernet device (computer, server, Ethernet based PLC) is reachable across an IP network. A ping command measures the time it takes for packets to be sent from the source Ethernet device to a destination Ethernet device and back.

How does network ping work?
A ping command works by sending an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request to a specified Ethernet device on the network and wait for a reply from it. When a ping command is issued, a ping signal is sent to an IP address. When the target Ethernet device receives the echo request (ICMP packet), it responds by sending an echo reply packet. The response is timed and reported to the source Ethernet device to better understand network latency… or in the world of computer gaming called lag or freeze.

Why is ping important in networking?
ping is the primary TCP/IP command used to troubleshoot connectivity, reachability, and name resolution.

Is high ping good or bad?
Ping echo respond is measured in milliseconds (ms). And the closer your ping respond is to zero, the better the network connectivity to the target Ethernet device. A ping under 20 ms is considered very good network connectivity. Any respond under 100 ms is average network connectivity. Anything above 150 ms, you will experience network latency or packet drop out. In computer gaming lingo it is known as lagging or freezing.

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