Learn how to install Microsoft SQL Server Express in Windows 2019 Server (Microsoft Windows 2019 Server). We will be using Microsoft SQL Server Express 2017.
This is step by step tutorial. We will start from downloading the installation file from official Microsoft webpage, then will execute that file. This is a good reference of see if you are side tracking.
I will show you the connection string for your new SQL Server Express which can be used for any scripting or programming purpose. This tutorial will also outline wgere the log files (log folder) will be store, which is good to know as log files can ge handy for debugging. And will quickly touch though media folder and resources folders as well.
This tutorial also covers limitation of instance ID name; which is no more than 16 characters. I will demonstrate that too in this tutorial.
And finaly how to determine if your SQL Server is running using the SQL Server Manager.
The whole process took me about 1 hour and 8 minutes from downloading to running the SQL Server, but I wll be fast forwarding the video in some location where we are waiting.