Learn how to resolve Instance Open Warning in Wonderware. I am referring to the error message shown below.
Cannot configure security since templates or instance are currently checked out.

Look for the checked out object(s)/instance(s) using the Search tool.

Ensure that the “Only Checked-Out Objects” is checked. After that click on “Find”

You will get all the instances that are checked out. We have 2 instances that has been checked out. See screenshot below. Note you can see who checked it out the instance (highlighted with red box)

To check it back in right click on the instance name, and the click on the “Check In” from the context menu. See screenshot below.

The step mentioned above works most of the times but sometimes it does not. The Archetra ArchestrA IDE will issue the following error message.
Check in failed for object “XXXXXXXXXXX”.
Error: Object is checked out by another user.

At this point you would have to walk over to your buddy and tell hime to check in the instance so that you can work on it.
But if he/she has already checked in and it is showing as checked out, then you can use another method to force check in of the instance.
Right-click on the instance and then select “Override Check Out” fom the context menu.
