Storage Management System (SMS)

If you are looking for a user friendly and cost effective tool for your new storage establishment, this is the software/tool you want by your side.
This a standalone client software (none web-based) that you install in your computer/laptop which can access either your cloud database or a localized database.
For further information contact us today.
Extremely easy to use (or your money back!)
Fraction of a cost, in most cases ROI is 1 month
Tenants searching in one step process
Ienant infroamtion shown in one single screen
Reports and Billings
- Invoices
- General Ledgers
- Statements
- Late Notices
- Receipts
- Email Reminders
Data can be stored in cloud or standalone computer at site
Interactive facility map
Quick inventory of available units
Posting payment is fast and easy
Monthly billing reconciliation in 2 clicks
Client billing is sent by mail, email or text message automatically
Single spot to apply discount to a particular tentant and/or all tenant
No license limits on units
Export reports to Microsoft Excel
Main Client Management Screen
- Add new tenants
- Update existing tenants information
- Close tenants account
- Assign unit to tenant
- Search for the tenant account in multitude way (name, address, phone, etc.)
- Print, email and archive tenant’s statements
- Indication of late payment
- Apply discount
- Access multiple tenant account at one time
Tenant Account and Search tool
Accessing Multiple Tenants at Once
Assigning Tenant Unit using Interactive Facility Map
Client Communication Notes
- Keep communication log for each client
- Quickly and easily search the database for a specific communication log
Communication Log (Note)
Conversion Unit
- Easily convert from imperial to metric
Unit Conversion
- General Ledger
- Payment Summary
- Expense Report
- Analytics
- Customer movement
- Discount and sales report/review
- Most sold unit
- Customized analytics reports can be built quickly and cost effectively