OPC is one of the components of PROCESS/FAST in the FAST/TOOLS suite. FAST/TOOLS OPC function is facilitated by a few background processes. The list below highlights the purpose of each of the OPC processes. Note that the list below is a direct extract from the “si_a_process.pdf” FAST/TOOLS help documentation (page 10 to 11).
The manager process maintains the PROCESS/FAST configuration. The configuration consists of trigger groups, classes, objects and their relation to each other. The manager accesses the compiler to compile the class source, accesses the activator to create and destroy objects and accesses the loader process to run objects. Applications address the manager (via a routine set) to perform tasks.
The loader process receives information from the manager to run objects. The loader processes the information and passes it to the executor process which actually runs the objects.
The compiler receives requests from the manager to compile the source of a class written in the Traditional PROCESS/FAST language. When the compilation is completed or fails, a reply is returned to the manager.
The activator process receives requests from the manager to create or destroy objects written in the Traditional PROCESS/FAST language. Creates and deletes items using DSS. Items are created when an object is instanced and deleted when the objects are removed.
The executor process receives the processed information about objects written in the Traditional PROCESS/FAST language to run and executes them. OPCEXE creates alarm items by using DSS.
The compiler receives requests from the manager to compile the source of a class written in the Java PROCESS/FAST language. When the compilation is completed or fails, a reply is returned to the manager. OPCJCOM is started by OPCMAN as soon as a Java PROCESS/FAST class has to be compiled. It remains running for a while to server future compile request. When, during a certain time no compilation are performed, OPCJCOM will exit. These timings can be specified in the setup file of PROCESS/FAST.
The activator process receives requests from the manager to create or destroy objects written in the Java PROCESS/FAST language. Creates and deletes items using DSS. Items are created when an object is instanced and deleted when the objects are removed. OPCJACT is started by OPCMAN as soon as a Java PROCESS/FAST object will be created or deleted. It remains running for a while to server future create or destroy request. When, during a certain time no create or destroy request are executed, OPCJACT will exit. These timings can be specified in the setup file of PROCESS/FAST.
The executor process receives the processed information about objects written in the Java PROCESS/FAST language to run and executes them. OPCJEXE creates alarm items by using DSS.