In a nutshell, ProSoft is a company that manufactures Modbus gateway for Rockwell PLC. The intent of this article is to capture the setup procedure of the MVI46-DFNT module in particular.
Well…. lets start.
Adding the Module to an Existing Project
1) Add the MVI46-DFNT module to the project. Double-click on the I/O Configuration option in the Controller Organization window.
2) This action opens the I/O Configuration dialog box. Select an empty slot in the left pane, and then scroll to the bottom of the right pane.
3) In the right pane, double-click Other — Requires I/O Card Type ID. This action opens the “Other” type IO card dialog box.
4) The module’s I/O card ID number is 12835. Enter that value in the ID number field, and then click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
5) Observe that the module you selected is now in the list in the left pane of the I/O Configuration dialog box.
6) Select and double-click the new module in the left pane. This action opens the Advanced I/O Configuration dialog box. Fill in the dialog box with the values shown in the following illustration.
7) Click OK to save your configuration.
8) Copy the Ladder Logic and data files from the sample program and paste them into your existing program.
Important: Take care not to overwrite existing data files in your application with data files in the sample application. Rename either the source or the destination data files, and then search and replace references in the ladder for instances of any renamed files.
9) Save and Download (page 18) the new application to the controller and place the processor in run mode.
The setup is exactly same for EthernetIP but except for this screen.
More information of the MVI46-DFNT module can be found here.