Can you get SCADAPack program is running status? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Someone had challenged me on why would you want to know the SCADAPack running status, because after all there is a RUN LED on the SCADAPack (see illustration below), and further mote, if you go online with the SCADAPack, you can determine if the SCADAPack is running, in debug mode or stopped. And you will not be able to get the run, debug or stopped status, when the SCADAPack is stopped anyways. All the statements are bogus, including the last one about not being able to get the program run status when the SCADAPack is stopped. Watch my YouTube video for demo.
The Modbus you need to introduced is the Controller Logic Status module which reads the Ladder Logic Application status in the RAM and FLASH memory and assigns it to two input registers. The input registers are updated continuously with the current application status.
The table below highlights what each of the 2 two registers value denotes.
To setup your Telepace project to read the Controller Logic Status, you will have to include the Controller Logic Status module (as shown below).
After that, you will have to assign the “AI Start Register”