Ever wondered what does the inside of the MicroLogix 1000 looks like.
Since my childhood, when I look at an electronics device (from basic remote control cars to a household table fan), I always ponder, what does it look inside and what is it like dismantling it and going though its electronics components. I really want to know how it works??!? Well in this article we are going to open up a Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000. I am just going to open its top and will try to keep my enthusiam to just that.
The main focus of this article is to give a detail pictorial tour of Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000. One thing to note is that Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000 does not have a dedicated battery like its peers (PLC-5, ControlLogix and SLC500) to maintain RTC and logic. However, it has a huge capacitor in the replacement of the battery.
Sit back and I hope you enjoy the tour.